About Us
Read about the According To Whim team. Interviews, pictures, and more.
The TV Show
We have produced 3 season of a public access sketch comedy television show.
The Audio Show
We have been producing an audio show for 20 years. Listen here.
Game Design
We have published games and continue to develop games of every flavour.
Our Blog
750+ blogs and counting. The topics range 'according to whim'.
Chris' Column
Chris McGinty's more lengthy articles.
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Sniffles (Sniff!)

Welcome to the Sniffles Public Access show page. Before your head spins completely backwards out of confusion, let me clarify: for sake of continuity we are calling Sniffles 'season 0 of According To Whim'.

Sniffles was the first public access show and it eventually lead to According To Whim. The show was created and produced by Miguel Cruz and Chris McGinty and it broadcast in the Fort Worth area between 1997 - 2000. On these pages you can read all about that show's history as well as see some pictures, reviews, and an FAQ. Enjoy.

For your reference Miguel Cruz wrote the content for this part (Sniffles) of the site.

A Show History:

Click here for Miguel's very through recounting of the show.

Sniffles Pictures:

Enjoy some pictures of the people who appeared in Sniffles.

Frequently Asked Questions:

A very brief FAQ for Sniffles.

Episode Reviews:

Miguel's college roommate provides some rather scathing reviews.

Viewer Quotes:

"I wish I had been high when I watched it, maybe I would have understood it better!"  -David Jewell, Miguel's Ex Co-Worker at Wal*Mart
"What?! Are you guys brain damaged?!"  -Bill Stober, Producer/Star of The Dwight Williams Show
"If anything the show is original, and that can't be said for the majority of TV today. You look like you're having fun doing it, and I guess that's all that matters!" -Mark, Kim's Upstairs Neighbor

"It reminded me of a cross between the singular style Wayne's World and maybe a bit of meaning hidden behind pure senslessness, similar to that of the one and only Monty Python!" -Jacob Morris, A Viewer

"It was kind of funny!" - Kim Stice, Miguel's (circa 1990's) Girlfriend

"It's good...for amateur!." - Brandy Justice, Miguel's Friend Since High School

"It was something else. We did laugh though!" - Bonnie, Another of Miguel's Wal*Mart Co-Workers

"I enjoyed it!" - Jack, Yet Another of Miguel's Walleyworld Co-Workers and Bonnie's Husband

"I'm impressed!" - Gary, Brett Gardner's Father

"Very impressive!" - Jewel, Chris' (then circa 1990's) Girlfriend

"It was good. It was really good!" - Sherry, Who Works at, Where Else? Wal*Mart.

"You guys have got your comedy down pretty good!" - Milton, the 8,378,475,243 Wal*Mart Associate Mentioned

"We liked it!" - Kim and Stephanie, Two Teenage Girls Who Live in the Apartment Complex Next to Brian's Whom We Met While Waiting Outside of Brian's Apartment While He Went to Pick Up His Girlfriend Kendra from Work.

"Is [the second episode] going to be better than the first?! - Bill Hutson, Kim's Neighbor Friend

"Those movies you and Chris make are stupid!" - Shirley Cruz, Miguel's Mother Eventhough She Hadn't Seen the Show At the Time

"It was better than I thought it would be!" - Shirley Cruz, After She Had Actually Sat Down to Watch the Show