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The TV Show
We have produced 3 season of a public access sketch comedy television show.
The Audio Show
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Game Design
We have published games and continue to develop games of every flavour.
Our Blog
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Chris' Column
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Picture Shoot: May 6th, 2005

chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz chris mcginty from fort worth texas

Nathan and Chris, the men, the legends, the debt!

chris mcginty and judy nathan stout in joshua texas

Chris thinks he is Ozzy and Nathan plays Gordon Lightfoot on his lap harp (his hobby) (not really).

 chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz

Nathan and Chris prepare for a sketch in Episode 110. 

chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz

Nathan is happy Chris pays back some of his debt to him and Chris as "Nun" (2005).

 chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz

Nathan in "Dentist View" 2005 and Nathan in "Finger Play" 2005 by C. McGinty.

 chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz chris mcginty, nathan stout, miguel cruz

The guys predict the imminent failure of the show. Nathan in his best Orson Welles pose.