Edited by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com)
(Posted 9-2-10 as make up for 8-19-10)
by Chris McGinty
On August 25, 2010, Nathan simply admitted that we had fallen into a rut as the daily blog was concerned, and well, probably everywhere else in our creative projects.
On August 24, 2010, my younger son turned 12, but aside from that, I wrote my own version of “What happened” while at my guard post. I was unable to post it until the next day after Nathan posted his, but mine had been intended for the 24th anyway, so it worked.
Strangely, Miguel had a completed post in the draft section, but we wouldn’t have known it because the draft section is full of Miguel’s incomplete posts, and one of Nathan’s, and the only reason I didn’t have any was because all of my incomplete crap is in Word files. This is not to say that Miguel, or any of us, should stop storing his ideas in the draft section, but rather that the drafts need to be finished more often. The thing is that much of Miguel’s stuff was pretty complete.
A quick note: When I say I didn’t have any I mean that none were under my name. There were two joint blogs that I was included on. For full disclosure, the joint blog with Miguel had notes under his name and notes under my name, so I guess there was one. I also didn’t count the “topics” drafts with our brainstorm ideas. Oh, and from a point of view, Nathan had two, but that will be explained in Part Six.
I had an idea at one point that I should just take all the stuff that was in the draft section, and post it up as is. I figure that if Miguel or Nathan have anything to add or edit, they can come back behind me, give a brief explanation that it’s new material, and write it. Their drafts will be posted under their names.
The first step to Operation: CTFU was to decide what the hell to post up in the ten missing days. I had three posts ready, so they were obvious. They could have been posted during those ten days, cos they were ready the whole time. I just hadn’t posted them.
Thoughts on “The Last Action Hero” (Part One)
Thoughts on “The Last Action Hero” (Part Two)
Incremental Writing
The next step was to figure out if there was any other work that was “done” during the days we missed. My thoughts turned back to the drafts. I figured I would have to do seven posts dealing with the stuff in the draft section, but then I found Miguel’s completed post just sitting there with a message that he was done with it, and we could do whatever we saw fit with it. So it was just a question of making six posts. This is the first, even if it’s technically new material. The other five can be found:
Operation CTFU: Join the Draft (Part Two): The End of Times
Operation CTFU: Join the Draft (Part Three): Rebuttal to a Rebuttal
Operation CTFU: Join the Draft (Part Four): Various Notes by Miguel
Operation CTFU: Join the Draft (Part Five): Miguel Rants about Nirvana
Operation CTFU: Join the Draft (Part Six): Zonk Rulez!