Category: Blog

Assassination Rock

by Chris McGinty Remember when rock was all about shaking up world power through high profile murder? It was Assassination…

Clicker Heroes – Real tips

So if you have played this game you have probably searched online for tips, understanding, and tricks. I know I…

Words I have trouble with

*I have not spell-corrected ANYTHING in this post… just for the fun of it. So here is a list I…

Tips for selling your house (from a real person, not a realtor, AI, or someone trying to make a buck off you).

Trying to sell you house during a downturn can be tough. Here are my tips for things to do that…

Creating a couple of new things…

For a few years now I have been playing with the idea of creating a card set that revolved around…

Getting ChatGPT to create a game for me…

Here is the conversation (my side of it anyway) I wrote to ChatGPT to make a simple dice game. The…

On the Day of the Total Eclipse

By Chris McGinty It’s going to be an interesting day today, but maybe not in the way that one might…

My next 20 years…

Thanks to Chris for his therapy work… your check is in the mail. Isn’t funny to think we were having…

Chris visited last night

Just a quick blog (aren’t all my blogs quick?) about Chris’ visit last night. It’s been more than a year…

Yes, I believe US elections are rigged…

I don’t think they are rigged by a cabal of evil, rich men sitting around a Dr. Strangelove-esque table, but…

DFW Toll Roads – You deserve to be fleeced…

Back in 2009 the Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition held a contest for videos featuring residents thoughts/gripes/love of North Texas traffic….

Silver Alert Cancelled

So Chris is fine, please stand down. Life has just caught up with him (or lack of sleep). We had…

Ut oh…

When Chris goes dark I get worried. He either decided to eat his steering wheel or make out with Covid…

Tags…. Ahhhhhhh!

You are supposed to say that title to the Flash movie theme. Try it again… I’ll wait. So this post…

In Response: Hoarding

This post really doesn’t have to do with Chris’ post but it got me thinking about my hording tendencies. I…

Flash Fiction: The TV Was Bolted to the Stand

by Chris McGinty The rockstar simply wanted to throw the TV out of the hotel room window, but the TV…

Flash Fiction: The Roll

by Chris McGinty He had to roll a d20 and it had to be 15 or higher for them to…

Blog Post and Flash Fiction: Advanced Race Purgers

by Chris McGinty Odd thought today. As a society, are we hoarders? To be clear, I’m not asking if the…

Does AI Need to be Equal to Humans?

by Chris McGinty This is a question that I’ve heard addressed a few times. If we never create AI that…

Flash Fiction: The Hill

by Chris McGinty A group of people thought to climb a hill, but some stayed at the bottom and never…