Author: floydmcmondo

Assassination Rock

by Chris McGinty Remember when rock was all about shaking up world power through high profile murder? It was Assassination…

On the Day of the Total Eclipse

By Chris McGinty It’s going to be an interesting day today, but maybe not in the way that one might…

Flash Fiction: The TV Was Bolted to the Stand

by Chris McGinty The rockstar simply wanted to throw the TV out of the hotel room window, but the TV…

Flash Fiction: The Roll

by Chris McGinty He had to roll a d20 and it had to be 15 or higher for them to…

Blog Post and Flash Fiction: Advanced Race Purgers

by Chris McGinty Odd thought today. As a society, are we hoarders? To be clear, I’m not asking if the…

Does AI Need to be Equal to Humans?

by Chris McGinty This is a question that I’ve heard addressed a few times. If we never create AI that…

Flash Fiction: The Hill

by Chris McGinty A group of people thought to climb a hill, but some stayed at the bottom and never…

Flash Fiction: Late for the Meeting

by Chris McGinty The vortex opened up and the aliens passed through. They had the ability to travel great distances…

The Next 20 Years…

by Chris McGinty Nathan is continuing his existential crisis. Maybe I’ll come up with a story that exemplifies his second…

How I Came Up with Today’s Story and a Little Coincidence

by Chris McGinty Along the line of coincidences that have nothing to do with the Google algorithm, a couple of…

Flash Fiction: The Unexpected Answer

by Chris McGinty He found it funny to ask deep questions in circumstances that didn’t call for deep questions. He…

Flash Fiction: Eventual Confirmation

by Chris McGinty For decades, he had been saying what he knew and that it was true. People doubted him….

What to do with My Sundays Now

by Chris McGinty Now that the football season is over, I don’t know what to do with myself. For the…

I’m About 50 Stories In – What Have I Learned?

by Chris McGinty I’ve completed two stories that I would like to do at least one rewrite on, and I’ve…

Flash Fiction: Abbr.

by Chris McGinty He was a consumer of all things abbreviated. He played limited demos of video games, read those…

Flash Fiction: Character Error

By Chris McGinty He wrote a lot of short fiction. Some of it was really short, a style known as…

Hodgepodge Blog #1: Fight Jaw

by Chris McGinty Let me say by way of introduction that if these two words don’t produce interesting results, I…

Link Hub and Introduction: Hodgepodge Blog Posts

by Chris McGinty The Oxford Languages and Google dictionary defines hodgepodge as “a confused mixture.” This could probably describe most…

Flash Fiction: The Desolate Winter Land

by Chris McGinty The lake was iced over. The ice likely went deep. This area was in perpetual winter for…

Valentine’s Day 2024

by Chris McGinty Happy Valentine’s day, everyone. Let’s not talk about Valentine’s Day. Not that I don’t love Valentine’s Day….