You Bring the Backup Audio, I’ll Bring the Shirt and Tie

Chris McGinty (According

Miguel and I went to a get
together of wedding professionals tonight called Thursday Therapy. It’s not
quite as catchy of a title as Thursby Meading, but it’ll do.
Our reason for attending this get
together is because we are trying to make a move into professional video
production, probably on a part time basis. The people who meet range from
caterers (some specializing in specific foods) to photographers, planners, and
videographers. We spoke with a videographer who gave us some helpful advice,
but I’ll get to that in a minute.
The therapy session, as I’m going
to call it because I’m cute, was held in the bar of the Hotel Zaza in downtown Dallas. There were a few
things about this. The first one is that we more or less had to valet park.
There was just nowhere to park nearby except for the big parking lot across the
street that belonged to the hotel.
When we got inside, we discovered
that the group was literally a mix and mingle, as opposed to a formal meeting
with topics and speeches. The multitude of discussions actually made it hard to
tell what percentage of the discussions revolved around industry talk. For all
we know, it was all discussion about what movies they’ve seen lately and whose
kids are playing little league.
The other thing is that we were
not just underdressed, but we were really underdressed. These people looked
like they just came from “not casual day” at the office. To make matters worse,
so did the normal clientele of the bar. The website gave three names of the
women who started the meeting, so we asked a woman who we thought was pictured
if she was one of those three. She was not, but she directed us to one of them.
It was somewhere in all of this that Miguel realized that we did not bring
business cards, so we played it off like we are really just getting started
since 1993, which is basically the truth.
She passed us off to a guy named
Marc Roberts who has been doing wedding videography for a long while. He gave
us some amazing advice that I can’t believe I didn’t think of myself: just
start video taping weddings as much as you can and make sure you have tons of
backup for your audio. Amazing.
But seriously, he said something
that Miguel and I found interesting. He said that there isn’t really all that
much competition out there for wedding videography. Admittedly, we were also
told by a wedding planner that some people shy away from having their wedding
videotaped. It’s hard to say.

All in all, I think Miguel and I had a good time
hanging out, even if the results were a little anticlimactic. I made him listen
to Rush on the way out. I’m sure he was miserable.

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