As we discussed, we did a “UStream” live podcast. It’s saved so it can be viewed. Um, I’ll have to get you a link. We discussed a number of things though. I think we discussed my body rebelling against me before we started though. I’ve spent most of the week dealing with a wide array of symptoms including: coughing, congestion, feelings of fatigue, tooth pain, hemorrhaging (not really), and I vomited a little. I’m probably even forgetting something. The thing about it is that none of these really happened at the same time, which I’m kind of thankful for, and so it felt a little more like Symptom of the Day. This will not be a regular feature by the way. I’d be happy if it was over already.
Another thing we discussed was going to see Smokey Robinson perform at WinStar, or rather me seeing Smokey and Nathan gambling. He decided against, using a dice game that was slanted for the house to win, and I appreciated the symbolism. He handed me a die and had a die himself and said, “If you roll higher I’ll go with you to WinStar” My die was blank.
I did plan to go anyway, but when I woke on Friday I had a new symptom of the day. I couldn’t stand for more than about thirty seconds without getting dizzy. I woke up at 5:30 pm, and didn’t need to leave until about 8 pm, so I figured I could get something to eat, drink some soda, and chill for a bit. Unfortunately, 8 pm rolled around and I didn’t feel much better. I was pretty sure it would have been a concert with seating, but I wasn’t sure that an hour drive there and an hour drive back was a good idea. By about midnight I started to feel better, and was mostly caught up on American Idol, but I missed Smokey, which just sucks.
Still coughing today, but I think I’m getting better. Slept a whole lot again. I dreamed about my former jobs. At one point I was talking to the dispatch woman at the guard job, and they were having trouble filling some posts. I asked her if she could hire me with the goatee, but she wasn’t too sure. There was some odd sequence involving my boss at Papa John’s. She was carpooling a number of us to work, and had to stop to put on her makeup. Then the dream just got really weird. I was trying to track down a rapist, by beating the shit out of his helpers. I could fly over water too, which is probably helpful when you’re acting as vigilante.
Ok, that’s it for now.