by Nathan Stout (of

Say hello to the new home of According To Whim (and everything else). This is Sans Digital’s 4 bay raid tower. I purchased this from NewEgg along with 4 Hitachi DeskStar 1 terabyte drives. Once I install the drives and apply the Raid 5 settings we will have 2.7 terabytes of storage with redundant data protection. That is to say that if one of the drives fail the data is not lost. I can replace that drive and the data will be rebuilt on that drive restoring full functionality across all 4 drives.
This along with the new Blu-Ray burner will ensure that no more data is lost. Once the equipment arrives and I get it installed we can start on Season 2 again. We have a ten week goal for finishing up Episode 3 so I will need to get on the ball ASAP. Our ten week ends October 3rd.
I still have the 1 terabyte Western Digital Caviar Green drive (the drive that crashed with all that data on it) sitting in my desk. I can’t bring myself to throw it away. I am hoping one day the data can somehow be recovered.
Thanks to those who gave money to our project!