Here are a couple of random thoughts. enjoy.
Why is Stephen King so popular when there are a billion other horror authors? I think his work not only conveys the horror story but they are kind of stuck in a time capsule of bygone America. Have you ever noticed that? His writing revolves around 60s, 70s, and 80s American life and language. Sometimes even 50s. Its an aspect that is just as much enjoyable as the creepy story running through it. He seems to know this too when you read 11/22/63… he seems to revel in the past.
The BBC of the past really did try hard. You will notice that the effects, titles, and music of BBC productions from the 70s and 80s were really top notch for their time. Pitty the technology was not up to the same standard as the effort put into them. Even crappy/cheap productions like The Young Ones has some big time effects. Ever seen the explosions? They look massive and dangerous. Have you ever watched Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Those graphics are amazing compared to the quality of the sets and such. The visual effects side of the BBC really took their job seriously.