by Chris McGinty
A couple of weeks ago, I did an obituary for the What If… app. At some point, I suggested that maybe I might go try to find a Reddit thread or something with some archived dilemmas from the app. What I found was way more disturbing! Ok, disturbing isn’t quite the right word. I think I was in YouTube video essay mode when I wrote that line. I should try it again. What I found was way more shocking! You know, shocking isn’t quite right either. But way more just not exactly what I thought… it just seems like passive voice. But we’ll try it. What I found was way more pedestrian [attempted exclamation mark that just didn’t happen].
It looks like What If… is still available on The Apple Store. Now Nathan, before you try to slide into my DMs about this being the best time for me to embrace the iPhone, I already have enough jobs. Tim[any] Cook in the kitchen, buddy. So it’s not so much of an obituary as a good luck in the new city party. Since I can’t get it on my phone, it’s dead to me, ok?
The one possibility I might have open to me is that it’s available through Microsoft. If it can be downloaded as a PC app then I may be in business for future What If… zaniness. This doesn’t even mean that I’ll go so far as to try to get it to work. I’m getting a lot of mileage out of it not working at the moment, so what the hell. Maybe as I continue with this daily posting thing, I’ll feel more desperate for topics, and my old friend will fly in from New York or Newark or Newhart or wherever.

Chris McGinty is a blogger who has now pulled the Bob Hope maneuver and proclaimed something dead before it was actually dead. Maybe it’s a good thing he didn’t become a doctor after all… or a journalist.