Be Prepared!
Welcome to the home of the Be Prepared! card set and printable.
Thank you for joining us in taking the time to prepare yourself for the unknown! The Be Prepared card set (on Ebay) or (Amazon) and Printable (same content in printable format) is designed to get you thinking about being prepared for the unknown. It will not provide you with all the answers but will make you consider so you can make informed decisions. Click on the links above for the card set (on Ebay or Amazon) or the printable (Teachers Pay Teachers). Help us out… the little guys!

This set is different than others. It is not designed to be kept until you need it. It is not a survival kit guide. This set is for NOW. Start your planning right now with this 52 card deck of Emergency scenarios, notes, and sage advice for things you may have never even considered. Don’t wait another minute!
Be Prepared! Emergency Scenario and Planning Card Deck is designed to get you prepared (in the real world). It will not provide you with all the answers, but will get you thinking so you can make informed decisions! We encourage you to expand on these by getting a notebook started with each of your plans laid out with notes and to-do items. We have boiled down the scenarios you will want to prepare for on card #52. The rest of the deck takes an aspect of preparedness (with those scenarios in mind) and helps you brainstorm ways to get ready for action. We have started a list of Plans on card #51 to get you going! This whole card set revolves around having a plan for these scenarios so begin your planning journey today! Topics will include how to react immediately to an emergency such as natural disasters, civil anarchy, and banking failures. There are tips on what to do if you are far from home when disaster hits, how to plan for a lack of food, money, medical necessities, and more. Growing and food storage are also touched upon. Take notes as you progress through the deck, identifying areas for improvement. You cannot afford to hope for the best in these troubled times! Get started today!!!
- Be Prepared! Do more than just think you are ready for the unknown with this Scenario and Planning Deck.
- Subjects covering health, safety, money, food, disasters (man made and natural), and more.
- 52 Cards presenting Scenarios and Planning Tips.
- Each card has a place for you to mark if you are ready or if you still have work to do on a particular subject.
- Topics will include how to react immediately to an emergency such as natural disasters, civil anarchy, and banking failures.
- Makes an excellent gift and great stocking stuffers!
- From the team that brought you Zombie Death Force, Go!
If you are interested in bulk purchases, please email me below.