Tag: david
Link Hub: Random AI Pic Posts
by Chris McGinty A little while ago, I surmised that Nathan was using an AI art program to make thumbnails…
When the Mind Sweep Flags Too Much and Bombs
by Chris McGinty I’ve brought up David “not that David Allen, and not that David Allen, nor that David Allen”…
Durandatory Duran – Duran Duran Covering David Bowie and John Lennon (Part One)
Duran Duran writes amazing original music. Duran Duran sometimes performs good covers… but not always. If you were to look…
Odd Coincidences that (probably) aren’t because of AI Spying
I talk often about what I call “superstitious natives.” I’m sure someone would point out that the phrasing is not…
A Trail of Influences – Diamond Dogs Always Shine
by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I wrote about internet rabbit holes, and how sometimes you just have no idea how…
An Interview with David Zed
by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) Today we are bringing you an interview with (if I may be sold bold to…
David Zed – Robot Comedian, Songster, and more.
by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) Ladies and gentlemen I present to you: David Zed It’s probably a good bet you…
The Graveyard Zone (not an MTG article)
by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) Only I can turn a review post into a goal achievement post. I’ve…