Chris’s Poem: Reliving the Passed

Reliving the Passed

Nothing to no one
To stand out
I think we were amazing before
And one would think those days were past

But everything old is new again
And have I told you this is getting old?
But we can try this once more
Find the past out on the floor

It’s like we were always the important ones
Like the whole thing revolved around us
And we were there when we were supposed to be
And we never made much of a fuss

We’re out in this traffic
And there’s no way to get by
And we’re just trying to get by
To find some way to get past

But everything old is new again
And have I told you that this is getting old
Like salt and pepper and potatoes past
And ghosts standing at the door

– Chris McGinty – 5-4-10 – 11:25 pm

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