American Boring… Boring Idol… This Play with Words Isn’t Working

by Chris McGinty
I thought I’d check in really quick with some thoughts about American Idol. Yeah, I’m going to give some thoughts on the actual show, but I’d like to start out by saying, what fertile ground for blog material with its new content to discuss each week, and I just didn’t do it. I blame Nathan.

Just dealing with this week; that must have been the most boring performance night I have ever seen on that show. The theme for the night was Frank Sinatra songs, and I was so glad there were only five performances. None of the contestants are at all stylistically like Sinatra, and it made it awkward.

Maybe it’s just me. Frank Sinatra was a great singer, but I can’t say that I’m a fan of his music. As Sinatra goes, I was always more about his acting in movies like “Suddenly” and “The Manchurian Candidate.” Even still I found myself on a couple of occasions going, “Oh, I like that song,” but I just wasn’t liking it as an American Idol performance.

And it’s not the fault of the contestants, because they’re all very good. In fact, the top 4 has shaped up exactly as I wanted. For the first time since I started watching the show, I’m fine with whatever happens from this point on with four contestants still in the running. I am pulling for either Mike or Crystal, but Casey or Lee could win and I’d still be ok.

I just hope they pick a better song theme next week; maybe the songs of Lennon and McCarthy… umm, my apologies to anyone who has been watching for the last two years; that was in poor taste.

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