by Nathan Stout (of
It’s been a busy year and we are already at the 10th month. It’s one of my favorite months! When we lived in the country I would always go on how I can’t wait to live in the city so I can decorate for Halloween. We finally moved back and I instantly backtracked on my Halloween wish. I hate giving candy to kids. I like decorating but not handing out candy. I want to decorate then pull it all down the day before Halloween. In the neighborhood I live people come by the TRUCKLOAD, dumping their ungrateful pre-teens/teens to bother you.
I enjoying taking my kid to Home Depot/Lowes/Walmart to see the Halloween yard blow up decorations. She is mildly spooked by it all but seems to enjoy it. I also enjoy taking her trick or treating at events but not door to door. I guess it all boils down to the fact that I am anti-social or something.
What adds to my enjoyment of the months is the fall weather/feel of the changing season. If Halloween was in Summer, I don’t think I’d like it so much.