by Chris McGinty
Happy Valentine’s day, everyone. Let’s not talk about Valentine’s Day. Not that I don’t love Valentine’s Day. I think it’s the best romantically based, gift giving holiday in February. I mean with a ringing endorsement like that who wouldn’t love it?
My actual intention was to stay up until about 7:00 in the morning and write somewhere between 1 and 700 blog posts. I wrote exactly none. I was coming hot off the heels of writing a couple of really good posts, and thought I was finally ready to start doing all the amazing writing. I was even going to dust off the “What If…?” app. Guess who ended up watching “The Office” instead.

Travis’s girlfriend?
No. It was me. I was the one who ended up watching “The Office” instead.
Speaking of the “What If…?” app; I may have actually mentioned this before, but whatever. The reason why I think those worked so well for me getting some writing done is because I’m pretty good with prompts. I’ve got an idea for a series of blog posts that are called “Hodgepodge Blogs.” I think I’m going to try to write the first one of those tonight, which would mean that it would be posted tomorrow. I’ll have to see.
And that’s my Valentine’s Day wish for you, that I might get some writing done. I mean not on Valentine’s Day. That’s already been lost. Maybe tomorrow.
Chris McGinty is a blogger who thinks that if he was Travis’s girlfriend, he might have just sat up all night watching “The Office” anyway.