by Chris McGinty
It’s funny because I spoke with Nathan earlier and I was telling him about this lawsuit from a long time ago where an author said he wrote his first book during downtime at his job and the job sued him for some reason or another. It was either wage theft or they thought they should get a cut of the book or something. I told Nathan for that reason I don’t talk much about any writing I do when I’m at work.
Well, I was definitely wrong when I said that. I think in spite of thinking that I would avoid mentioning any writing I do at work that I think, I actually talk about it all the time. The most obvious are these checking in from work blog posts. I’m literally like, I’m at work and it’s slow so here’s a blog post.
I think I’ve discussed many times how I used to write at a guard post where they wouldn’t allow me to sit in my car. This was back when flip phones were at the height of technology and you couldn’t browse the internet, but they had made it to where you could text an email. It was somewhat pointless because you only had so many characters per text. I would send my email nine texts an hour for the eight hours I was out there. Once an hour, I had to write in my hourly report log, so I would write nine lines of personal writing in a notebook once every hour. In this way, I wrote about six pages every day I worked at that guard post.
During this time, Nathan had given me .txt files of all the Robotech novels and I read those on my phone as well while I stood there. I don’t remember how that worked. I just know I did it.
Eventually, they told me I couldn’t be on my phone while I was out there and I called the guard company and told them to give me another post and that was the last day I worked that post.
But officially, between you and me, I’m actually at home when I’m writing this and any time I’m writing. I just say I write at work to be one of the cool kids.
Chris McGinty is a blogger who so much never actually writes at work that… you know what? He doesn’t even have a job, much less three. That’s how much. That’s how much. How’s your life been going on?
I wrote about ‘living my life at work’ many many years ago. It was 4 parts, here it is if anyone wants to take a gander: