Sunday Journaling: February 2, 2025

by Chris McGinty

I would say that I shouldn’t watch “Breaking Bad” before going to bed, but I didn’t watch “Breaking Bad” before going to bed. I had a series of dreams last night… oh, that’s the problem. I was sleeping at night. I had a series of dreams where I was doing a lot of bad stuff and there was even a small recreational vehicle (I think I’ll call it an RV) involved. In the dream, I had to move my dad’s friend’s truck, but somehow, in a way that could only happen with dream logic, I ended up driving down the wrong street and ended up lost for a moment. After accidentally driving off an overpass, which did no damage to the car (them Duke boys is gonna have to answer to Uncle Jesse ’bout this one fo’ shore) I honestly tried to get this guy his truck back. Then I realized that I had the key to his small RV and that I could use it to deliver Uber. From here it’s all dream logic. I started the RV up. I went to park the truck. The RV got stolen. I gave chase, but they drove too fast. They went and picked up the Uber order and I hoped somehow that it would get to the customer. It was Choose Your Own Adventure books. I feel like this might have represented the time that I fucked up my eBay account. Anyway, my dad tracked me down and somehow found the cash that was in the RV and questioned me about why I stole it and what I was going to use it for. Yes, that cash should have been in the RV. Dream logic. Unless my dream was being clever and my dad was the one who stole the RV and the cash, and the Choose Your Own Adventure books gasp as a way to punish me. It would seem to me that might make sense, because he ended up at the location of the delivery, but in the dream, I was running two Uber accounts, one for each vehicle, so does that make sense? I know. How was I going to drive both vehicles at the same time to justify running two Uber accounts. Remember that I drove off an overpass earlier in the dream and didn’t damage the vehicle? Dream logic.

Anyway, we’re into February. I’m still going pretty strong on my motivation to post daily. I considered not posting yesterday just to symbolize that I’m not beholden to a streak habit, but I wanted to express my dissatisfaction with the world. Speaking of dissatisfaction (I was, go look at the last sentence) I still can’t seem to keep a scheduled lead on this damn blog. I was doing pretty good going into the weekend and then I found myself with nothing ready to post yesterday.

The main reason that I want to be scheduled out into the future is because sometimes you just have a day where you’re not happy with the state of the world. I really don’t remember people being as stupid as they are now. I guess there’s a possibility that somewhere along the course of my adulthood that I outgrew some bad habits that I now notice in others, but it seems like people just adopted bad habits that weren’t so pervasive in our society years ago. I could give a hundred examples, but we’ll stick to the willingness to cut people out of your life over politics (politicians aren’t your friends… or your gods) and the willingness to believe in conspiracies, when it’s pretty clear that the one true conspiracy is sewing division into society, and that’s the one no one believes.

I’ve been warning against the two-party system for years, and I think it’s finally coming home to roost. Once they started absorbing the independents and third parties, it was only a matter of time before they stopped cooperating with each other to actually govern the country and turned it all into a power play. Increasingly, they’re not working things out in the Capitol, but instead fighting things out with increasingly partisan judges. But the vaccines are the real conspiracies. Starbucks not saying Christmas is the real conspiracy. It’s not the gutting of our political system and the members of congress being complicit, because they make the larger portion of their money beyond their salaries.

I think I’m going to go steal some vehicles and run two Uber accounts to show my displeasure with society.

Chris McGinty (not pictured here and certainly shouldn’t be sleeping at night) is a blogger who might not care so much if he was 90 years old and wouldn’t be around for the next few decades to see the world crumble.

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