by Chris McGinty
Every year in January, I will catch myself writing or speaking the wrong year for the date on something. So far this year, I have not. This could mean that I still have it coming, that I did it and didn’t realize it at the time, or that because I don’t have the need to fill out as many things with dates on them that I won’t have enough opportunities to make the mistake this year. This could be, among the most common reasons, writing a journal entry like this one, putting a date and time on the completion of a bit of writing, or a long time ago filling out an hourly report sheet at my guard job. I haven’t been doing those things as much lately.
Aside from that, I went to Miguel’s again last night and learned a little more about Adobe Premiere. This is a software that I used back in the late 00s but have not used extensively since 2009. I really wasn’t sure if I remembered how to use it. I think I got enough from Miguel’s teachings to get started and to understand YouTube tutorials at this point. The real question is whether our versions of Adobe are compatible, which apparently is a thing. If anything would be backwards compatible, I would think it would be something like video editing software, but I guess I would have to wonder why I would think that.
I’m looking at the weather forecast, and I might be writing a winter weather blog post part two by next weekend, but I think it’s not going to be near as impactful as this last one, which wasn’t all that impactful. I know a couple of places closed on Thursday and opened a little later on Friday, but it wasn’t that problematic.
[redacted because I’m going to write a full blog post on what I wrote here]
The final tidbit that I’ll throw out is that yesterday I had a flat tire that cost me almost $200. It was because the front of my van jacks up just fine with a 2-ton floor jack, but the back tires hang too low, so I bought a 3-ton floor jack for the van to avoid future issues. I then went and go that tire plugged, because the back tires are still in very good shape. The two front tires were a little more questionable and the place was really quick to point that out. They had two used tires for $10 each. The reason I went ahead and bought them was based on the amount of cash I had on me, because it’s an extra $10 if you use a card there. One of the $10 tires does seem to be a decent tire, but the other one was trash, and I noticed it while I was out delivering Uber Eats this morning. It was in worse shape than the one they were so worried about, so I took it back and asked them to take $10 off a $20 tire for me. We’ll see how that goes.
Chris McGinty is a blogger and a delivery driver who needs to make his car maintenance budget stretch as far as reasonably possible. For this reason, if you know how to fix a transmission with bubblegum and a paper clip, let me know.