My Blog Writing Process So Far in 2025 (Part Three)

by Chris McGinty

Last time I was talking about my reasons for scheduling. This time I thought I would get into my reasons for posting twice a day.

For a long time, I’ve written around 3,500 words or more a day, but that’s inclusive of everything that I write no matter how unimportant. This means that I will often find myself writing 90% of my word count for the day about stuff that just doesn’t matter and maybe getting a few hundred written toward fiction projects. If I have one goal this year, it’s to start writing 3,500 words a day of fiction. I have too many ideas that I like that I want to see completed and even writing that much daily, I still won’t get most of them written.

I have a lot of short fiction ideas over the years, and I feel like having the motivation to post one each day will get me on the path to getting some of those written. What’s been happening, unfortunately, is that because of feeling rushed while trying to get the blog scheduled, I’m finding myself relying too heavily of flash fiction that I’m coming up with in the moment.

In fact, for some of the stories I’ve written this year I’ve simply written a title and then figured out what it was. It’s strange that when you have no ideas that just writing something really seems to help. That could be its own blog post.

On January 6, 2025, I wrote a blog post called “Is It Too Much to Ask for to Always Write Great Blogs?” I scheduled it for January 7, 2025, and went to bed. On January 7, 2025, I found myself with about an hour and a half to write a piece of flash fiction and hadn’t even considered what to write. I opened the docs app on my phone and wrote “Flash Fiction:” and then tried to think of a title. I had no idea until later that I was kind of answering the question posed in the title of the regular post. “Is It Too Much to Ask for to Always Write Great Blogs?” “Flash Fiction: Yes, It Is.”

Chris McGinty is a blogger who just keeps blogging for some reason. I’m feeling slightly better about this than I did last year. I’m not having feelings like I’m just going to stop posting any moment and call it a year, so we’ll see if I get the scheduling done before such time as I get to that point.

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