My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Five

by Chris McGinty
It is June 12, 2010 as I write this, but I will discuss the day of June 11, 2010 as it was Friday, and my fifth day off from the blog.

Midnight to 6 am – After writing my blog I spent much of the rest of my shift watching “24.” It was my penultimate night at this post, and I did not want to be here. I was so tired from not getting a lot of sleep the last couple of days. A little bit before 5 am I gave Adam a call and finished out my shift

6 am to Noon – I drove home, finished my conversation with Adam, watched the last half of an episode of “24” while I ate breakfast, and then I slept for seven hours.

Noon to 6 pm – I woke up around 2 pm and watched “24” for four hours while tinkering with Farmville and other activities that I could do without missing too much of the show.

6pm to Midnight – I forgot to bring my phone with me to the kitchen, so I walked into my room at some point and saw missed calls and texts. I called my work back and found out that they would need me to work this post Saturday and Sunday after all. So much for penultimate. My dad also called wondering if I was going to get the library movies I checked out for my brother and sister, but it was too late, so I told him I’d stop by after work. As long as they’re in the drop box before the library opens it’s ok. I went back to sleep. At around 11 pm I was sure I would have no issues getting to work on time as I usually don’t start putting stuff in my car until 11:25 pm and still make it a little early. I signed in and did the Farmville crops real quick again and then left. I stopped at the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market in my neighbourhood to get some Dr. Pepper and something to eat at my post. They were completely out of Dr. Pepper! I think you get the death penalty for forgetting to order Dr. Pepper in the state of Texas. I disgruntledly bought two yogurts, and left. I stopped at a QT (Quik Trip) on the way and bought soda, and some how ended up a minute late in spite of everything. But I really shouldn’t be discussing that because that means it happened a minute after midnight and this section was supposed to end at midnight.

My Thoughts on Nathan’s Kmart Kpart Five – Unfortunately on the day that very little happened in my life, I also find myself with very little to say about Nathan’s post for the day. I did find it rather amusing with the loss prevention guys, and the part about crashing through the front doors for cigarettes. What I imagine from the way Nathan said these guys thought they were hot shit is this guy who used to relieve me from my weekday guard shift at a mini mall. We were allowed to sit inside the mini mall and check the parking lot about once an hour, but he chose to sit in his truck the whole night and challenge anyone who walked across the parking lot. When I did overnight on the weekend I sat inside, and checked the parking lot once an hour. I didn’t care what people did outside as long as they didn’t break into a car or into the mini mall. This guy told me that he missed his old post at an apartment complex because there was always somebody to challenge for questionable behaviour or something to investigate for questionable circumstance. Talk about a horrible guard post, but he loved it. That’s how I imagine the loss prevention guys being.

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