I took some time off work and decided to make a long overdue trip to the Goodwill Bins. It was packed as usual with the usuals and when the feeding frenzy were taking place I was basically left all alone in the whole place. Anyway, here are the goodies I found
- Spirograph set (2). I pulled the innards out of one set and took the whole box of the other.
- Sealed Lego wedding set: UPDATE: sold for $19.90
- 2 sealed puzzles: UPDATE: Sold 1 of them fro 18.99
- Miazaki Spirited Away puzzle (I took a chance that it was all there). UPDATE: Sold for $15
- LG Fridge filers. I didn’t know what these were until I was able to finally read the label several days later. I thought it was a jewelry retail box or something. UPDATE: Sold for $12.50
- Phase 10 (sealed)
- several books for the kids (or to sale at the JBF sale)
- 2 Cub and Star Scout promotion cards from the 1950s. (I will need to do some more research before I Ebay them). UPDATE: Sold the Eagle Scout card for $11.00
- A metal souvenir gate from Buckingham palace (I think). Need some more research. Turns out it was a Dept 56 gate. Listed it.
- A windup tin toy (I think the gears are broken tho).
- Sealed Rummikub game
- Foam stickers for the kids
- Several kid sale toddler-type toys
- Some random animal and misc toys.
- A couple of Lincoln Log parts
- A few Duplo pieces
- A food container (the Spirograph parts went in there).
- A sound recorder project box. UPDATE: Wouldn’t work anymore.
- One of Chris’ Bouncy Balls (get your mind out of the gutter).
- A Star Projector (parts missing but the main film is there).
- Heigh Ho Cherry Oh game
- A Mandalorian wooden picture (just a couple of very small scratches). Went in the garage.
- Magic Trick set (for the kid’s sale).
- My traditional must finds of a Fisher Price little person and a big feet Imaginex figure.
- An empty tactical type box originally for a flashlight
- A Stanley Fat Pack (a large suitcase type thing for tools).
- A old Show and Tell DC Superhero record (it was broken!) Boo.
- A couple of plug timers (you plug stuff in and can have it turn on/off by timer).
There you go. Actually (if everything sells on Ebay and JBF) this will have been a very profitable trip. Lots of great small items.
Thanks for visiting! I have several Goodwill/Thrift blogs with pics so
please click in the search box and search “goodwill” to find them!
Incase you found this post first, here is a video of this haul: