January 20, 2024

by Chris McGinty

I’ll tell you this. I’m doing ok with keeping up with the bare minimum of my writing tasks, but I feel like the overall task of writing this year is failing. I’m having trouble with the laptop I was using to post blogs. For this reason, I’m doing almost everything on my phone. I can write on my phone, but it’s somehow not as ideal for my way of thinking and writing.

I thought I would be a little bit ahead on blog posts by now, but I’m just managing to get one written a day and can’t seem to get to work on another. I feel like if that laptop was working right that I would have some drafts in the works.

Maybe this is my opportunity to collect myself and get back to it properly starting tomorrow. No, on Monday. Or maybe Tuesday. Ok, for sure Wednesday.

Chris McGinty is a blogger. The last twenty days proves that, right?

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