Tag: internet
Nathan’s angry blog (internet ruins everything edition)
So many things are irritating me right now, so please excuse my ranting for just a moment… Someone replaced the…
A “What If…” Question about Whirled Peas and Inter Not
by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com What if… There was peace on earth. But… Internet disappeared. Yes or No? Oh my…
If You Need an Audience All is Lost! (or it may be a little more difficult)
by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I was reading a Twitter post of a frustrated writer. She expressed that it felt…
Eventually, the Internet Was Useful to Me
By Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I was not an early adopter of the internet. I didn’t much like the internet…
Fame, Makes Chris Think Things Over
by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) I had an odd thought the other night while I was attending a…
You are not alone
by Nathan Stout I will take this opportunity to update everyone on the 2010 Ranking Up Project (brought to you…
The Whimmy
by Nathan Stout Every great organization needs an award to present… the Whimmy is ours. The Whimmy is not just…
According To Whim Live
by Nathan Stout At work the Bariatrics Department wanted to start doing a ‘web conference’ so they wouldn’t have to…