Tag: season 2

Be my Frankenstein!

by Nathan Stout Yadda yadda yadda you all know about the whole hard drive disaster and double disaster. I’d like…

Stop me if you’ve heard this

by Nathan Stout Ok, this guy walks into a bar… Season 3 was destined NOT TO TAKE PLACE. That’s all…

Coping with massive data loss

by Nathan Stout As you well know by now I had a misshap with the external hard drive I kept…

Nathan and Case of the Not-So-Hard Drive

by Nathan Stout [9-15-2010: I have inserted the links to all the related blogs at the bottom of this blog…

Cameras cameras everywhere

by Nathan Stout Cameras cameras everywhere in your nose and in your hair. In the sky and in the air…

Script writing

by Nathan Stout Before you can really get going on a successful TV project (or any acting project for that…

Sound is important

by Nathan Stout Steven Spielberg said that sound was 50% of the movie going experience (or at least I heard…


Closing in. No I am not talking about the Information Society song. I am talking about closing in on the…