Tag: tv

La La La Lost Mystery Box

by Chris McGinty I’ll start by saying there will be absolutely no spoilers for the show “Lost” in this blog…

Review: You Can’t Do That On Television – “Work” – Episode 1 / Season 2

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) Today I will cover the first episode of Season 2 (considered by some fans to be Season 1…

Music from This Year

By Chris McGinty (According ToWhim .com) I’m accused of being, not just stuck, but firmly wedged in the 80s and…

What Am I in the Mood For?

by Chris McGinty This isn’t much of a thought, but it’s something I was curious about. Why is it that…

Episode 1 editing (Season 3)

by Nathan Stout Am I the only one around here that seems to be posting topics about ‘making of’ and…

Planning Season 3

Season 3 is just around the corner. Chris has been mentioning it more and more over the last couple of…