Remember When I Said It Was Too Early to Care About the Election?

by Chris McGinty

At the beginning of this year, I was trying to post daily. It was all about the necessity of getting something in each day. The quality didn’t matter too much. This is why I’m going to link to an article that I clearly dictated, cleaned up a little as I pumped gas in Irving while delivering, and posted. I said that I really didn’t care too much about the election this year. The post was called, “Oh, You Mean It Is an Election Year.”

Then I wrote a post called “The Whole Country for Old Men.” This was about the fact that Bill Maher complains about ageism is the only accepted form of bigotry we still accept. Actually, I never mentioned Bill Maher in the post, and he most certainly was jumping the “they’re too old” bandwagon.

Then Nathan wrote a post called “The Next 20 Years” about the length of time Trump would rule until a fake election installed Don Jr. Wait. It was actually called “My next 20 years…” and it was about Nathan’s life goals. I forgot that we write about things that aren’t politics.

He did write a post called “Yes, I believe US elections are rigged…” I’ll probably want to go through and discuss that in a full rebuttal and it’s more of a general discussion of election integrity than anything specifically about the upcoming election.

Here we are seven months later, and everything changed. It’s now Harris vs. Trump. This is really what I want to talk about, because of the way that our perception of an election year is now. Trump recently said that it was pointless to have another debate because people are already voting; so yeah, I guess the election has already started, so what’s the point in campaigning anymore? Oh, he’s still campaigning? Hmm…

This post will seem like I’m picking on Trump, but it’s because he’s the one who fucked up, so hear me out. It is September 24, 2024, as I write this. The dates of the presidential debates in 2020 are as follows: September 29, 2020, and October 22, 2020, with a debate cancelled in between and a vice-presidential debate on October 7, 2020. This is because early voting didn’t exist in… ok. Apparently, early voting existed in 2020, and all of the debates happened after it started as early as September 18, 2020, in some states.

This brings us to question why it was that there was a presidential debate On June 27, 2024. I want you to understand that this was three months before the first debate in 2020. It was literally before either candidate was officially nominated. The RNC was July 15 to July 18, 2024, and the DNC was August 19 to August 22, 2024. This is why I believe Trump fucked up and the regret was immediately clear when he started talking about how unfair it was that the Democrats went with the candidate who was more likely to win. So unfair. It’s like when The Los Angeles Chiefs didn’t let their bench warmers and subs play in the sports ball bowl. So unfair to the Kittyhawk Pushing 50s.

But Trump brought it on himself. He went into that pre-ejaculate debate with one goal in mind, which was to show that Joe Biden couldn’t handle the pressure of a second term. In that sense, he won. He convinced the country that the Democrats needed a different candidate, and they found one.

My point is that we’re treating this election like it’s over already and it’s all decided when most years it would have just started really ramping up. We’re exhausted as a society, because we have a presidential nominee who declared his immunity… sorry, his candidacy four years ago and has been doing rally after rally as though he was the nominee. Everyone is tired. And worse, everyone is convinced that Harris has basically won. This also isn’t likely to go well for Trump’s campaign, because his supporters are low energy after four years while Harris’s supporters are just now ramping up the energy.

Maybe next time we can start the election coverage at a normal time. There is a large percentage of voters who made up their minds 20, 30, 40, and so on years ago who they were voting for this year. It will never matter who the candidate is. They will either vote Democrat or Republican. We don’t need to have election coverage that starts on January 1.

Chris McGinty chose who he was voting for in 2024 twenty-eight years ago when he decided to stop voting. He somewhat agrees with Nathan about the system being rigged, but not for the reasons Nathan wrote about. Damn it. Now I’m obligated to write that rebuttal.

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