Category: Blog
Move Out, Get Organized (Part Two)
by Chris McGinty So here we are, modern day, and I may be moving out of my house very soon….
Move Out, Get Organized (Part One)
by Chris McGinty Do you know why Nathan and Miguel love me so much? Neither do I. But if I…
Vampires Suck
by Nathan Stout I have been watching HBO’s True Blood with the wife because I have had nothing better to…
Review: Winstar World Casino
by Nathan Stout Winstar casino is located in Thackerville Oklahoma off I-35 just North of Gainesvilles, Texas. Chris and I…
Let’s Take a Step Back
I spoke with Nathan yesterday and he simply told me we weren’t getting together again for the fourth week in…
Stop me if you’ve heard this
by Nathan Stout Ok, this guy walks into a bar… Season 3 was destined NOT TO TAKE PLACE. That’s all…
Defining Kinds of Stuff (with Parentheses and Numeral Rules!)
by Chris McGinty Nathan recently wrote a response to my post about getting rid of half of my stuff. He…
It’s all happenin’ at the zoo
by Nathan Stout I do believe it.I do believe its true. Sorry my mind got stuck on that song. Sunday…
Looking through MY stuff
by Nathan Stout Chirs has this problem… he thinks too much. I love my stuff. America have been called ‘the…
Chris’s Poem: Never Ever, Ever Never
Never Ever, Ever Never I want to be done with half of everything I ownI’m broke anyway so it…
Looking Through My Stuff
by Chris McGinty I’m a pack rat. Have you ever seen that show “Hoarders”? I’m not quite so bad off…
Review: Wicked: The Musical
by Nathan Stout I would start by saying that Wicked is a flippant girl’s fantasy but it was written by…
A Hedgehog’s life
by Nathan Stout This is an epitaph of sorts for our hedgehog Saffie who, at the ripe old age of…
Exorcise Video
by Chris McGinty Nathan discussed his demons in Monday’s blog post, and I thought I’d deal with a few of…
That old demon (or is that deamon)
by Nathan Stout (exhales)…It’s that time again.I’m getting listless. *Are you tired, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Try…
My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Eh, Whatever
by Chris McGinty I stopped writing these. There was really no good reason I stopped since I ended up working…
My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Five
by Chris McGinty It is June 12, 2010 as I write this, but I will discuss the day of June…
My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Four
by Chris McGinty It is June 11, 2010 as I write this, but I will discuss the day of June…
My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Three
by Chris McGinty It is June 10, 2010 as I write this, but I will discuss the day of June…
My Week Off from the Daily Blog – Day Two
by Chris McGinty It is June 9, 2010 as I write this, but I will discuss the day of June…