Tag: help

Why I Don’t Form Habits Easily

by Chris McGinty There’s a concept in self-help and productivity where you start small when forming a new habit. The…

Clicker Heroes – Real tips

So if you have played this game you have probably searched online for tips, understanding, and tricks. I know I…

Get Ready for the Next Emergency Before This Emergency is Over

by Chris McGinty It’s a little over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US. If things get under…

How I Saved $2,000 in Two Months

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com Saving $2,000 in two months doesn’t really seem like all that impressive of a feat…

Debunking Self-Help

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) I’m a huge fan of self-help. I run much of my life by…

Durandatory Duran – Abandoning What Isn’t Working

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) There are so many things I like about Duran Duran, and some are…

A Shift in Your Thinking

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) I think that I’m very much in the self-help mindset right now. I…

The Thing About Doing A Project…

… is getting everyone there to do their part. by Nathan StoutOne of the main problems I had in doing…