Zombie Death Force Goodwill

So I am at our local Palestine Goodwill and lo and behold what do I see…

In the Wild…

There are like six of them in a tub up front with a bunch of other random houseware stuff. How did it get there? What even is it? Well incase you don’t know: Zombie Death Force, Go! is a game created by myself and Chris. We ran 2 Kickstarters (one failed/one succeeded).

It’s not some magic or some flag that the game was so abundant that it is just everywhere… I kinda played the system here. We donated a bunch of stuff to clear out our house for moving and I dropped about 8 or 9 copies into the donation in an effort to just get the game out there. Amazon won’t sell it due to their uptight selves and no one is buying it on our Ebay postings so I get creative…

Anyway I took the ones I could find and placed them in the games areas with all the other games they had. Maybe someone looking for games will be interested. Assuming they put them out when we donated them, they’ve been there for at least a month… To add insult to injury I flip them over to see what they value my game at…

.99? Come on man!!!!!

Even Yahtzee (which is basically just some dice) goes for 2 bucks… geez…

Here is a list of the various posts I made about this game. It’s actually SUPER easy to play (far easier than 90% of the games out there). If you want one, go here to support us...

After the game arrived in 2022 (after Chinese New Year delays) I did a few things to try to sell it with little success. Perhaps we can devote a blog or 2 to that one day. It would include such fun descriptions of things like:

  • Amazon… only good if you mass produce plastic crap!
  • Ebay… no one is looking for this crap here!
  • Conventions… ‘what, it’s not free?’
  • Giveaways… the only way you will be able to get it out of your closet!

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