Author: nate5582208

According To Whim… The Legend

Ok, I posted a comment to your final argument Chris, so read it.Next to everyone else… I just wanted to…

Help Obiwan-Bush-obi youre my only hope.

Not mad. It’s hard to hear you when you will argue for the sake of arguing (no matter what the…

Why I don’t want Obama’s Universal healthcare

1.) I don’t care that not everyone is covered by healthcare. Sorry, it’s the truth.2.) I don’t want more government…

Walmart People

Ok, I have to plug this site: Oh man, reminds me of home. The site is a little slow,…

Happy days are here again…

Well, it’s that time of year again. The time where Chris quits his job. Luckily this time he had two…

This is interesting…

I ran across this neat app for websites called SnapVine. It’s basically an answering machine you can build into your…

Every little bit helps?

Ok, here is a story of disgust, resolution, trail, failure, and eventually learning. All of which leads to basically a…

Credit Crunch America… The Result

As of the first of the month I will be on a debt management plan. I am using a company…

Chris and Lewis Cannon

Oh yeah,I had Wade join the blog. On to other things… The end gets cut off a bit (the closing…

Why haven’t you watched American Movie yet?

I am telling you this is an awesome and somewhat familiar feeling documentary about Mark Borchardt, a very familiar character…

Just got screwed over by the credit card companies

1.) Nathan has NEVER defaulted on anything.2.) Nathan has made late payments on credit cards less and 5 times EVER.3.)…

Disney promotes Tron Legacy…

This is the most AWESOME promotion ever! Their promotion for the movie was to open a temporary ‘Flynn’s Arcade’!!!!! Thats…

The turd that is ‘The Happening’

Saw the movie The Happening or should I say ‘The Crappening’ the other day. Wow. I like Zoe Daschel. She’s…

Hollywood is so full of a-holes

I was watching the special features of Watchmen and there are a few featurettes about the comic book and when…

Rock N Roll Church

The wife and I are Church Shopping and we visited a church that was more like a rock concert than…