Tag: Chris McGinty

Putting Together Some Jigsaw Puzzles #2

I started a series of posts to show off some jigsaw puzzles that I’ve put together in recent times. While…

The Big Lebowski and the Day of the Dude

I’ve been collecting tales of coincidences that have nothing to do with the Google algorithm listening to your conversations, because…

Odd Coincidences that (probably) aren’t because of AI Spying

I talk often about what I call “superstitious natives.” I’m sure someone would point out that the phrasing is not…

Selling All Your Replaceable Stuff

I’ve been meaning to write a blog post to clarify something I said to Nathan at the beginning of this…

Ted Cruz’s Vacation Blah Blah Blah Optics

I’m not a fan of Ted Cruz, but I’m failing to see the actual problem with his recent egress of…

Mr. Cruz and Me (A Blog Post about a Bob Dylan Reference in a Counting Crows Song)

One thing that happened because of the 1990s is I came to the realization that there are artists who I…

Rest In Peace, Rush Limbaugh, but about that Partisan Divide…

I learned earlier of the passing of Rush Limbaugh. There may be those who might believe that I would be…

How I Got Fired from Domino’s

I wanted to go part time as far back as May of 2020. It wasn’t until November of 2020 when…

Side Hustles and Lower Standards of Living

When Miguel and I first started hanging out with Nathan, I had an idea. We should get together 40 hours…

Putting Together Some Jigsaw Puzzles #1

I did a major catch up yesterday on some political posts I’d written over the last few months, so I’m…

2021 Goals… Well, I Don’t Know Yet

Up until about two weeks ago, my goals for 2021 largely involved writing and replacing my delivery driver income. Then…

Chris’s Take on the Bin Trip on 12/15/20

I just read Nathan’s post about our trip to the Goodwill Bins of Last Gasps, and his telling was fraught…

200 Projects – The First Two on My List

By Chris McGinty I wrote an introduction to this series of posts into a blog post that will also have…

Using the “Getting Things Done” Method on the 200 Projects Project

By Chris McGinty In the introduction to what I’m calling “200 Projects” for the moment, I discussed John Cleese’s method…

It’s Not Just the Flip Game, Girl

by Chris McGinty Nathan posted about his recent trip to Bedford (I must not have been home and he came…

Learning a New Skill for the New Blog

You All Everybody, It’s me, your old pal Chris. Nathan setup our site using WordPress, which I’m super excited about,…

The Initial Cash Infusion

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I’ve known since the beginning of 2019 that I only had about a year-and-a-half left…

WhimWars – An interview with Chris McGinty

by Nathan Stout and Chris McGinty (of AccordingToWhim.com) Hello all! Nathan here. Today I want to ask Chris McGinty some…

Oh my blog… what’s this?!

by Chris McGinty and by Nathan Stout Today we are doing a joint blog. I know you are probably rolling…


by Nathan Stout So Chris pulls up to the house last evening (about 6ish) and gets out of the car….