Tag: not

Three Non-Christmas Songs that Mention Christmas

There are those times when the memory really sucks. I came up with the concept for this blog post yesterday…

A Neat Solution to Avoid Move in Bottleneck at the College Dorm

by Chris McGinty I spent my Sunday with Miguel, his wife, and his daughter (try and convince me that Oxford…

200 Projects – Buying a House and Why Hasn’t Anyone Written a Project Post for a While?

by Chris McGinty Back in September of 2020, Nathan and I took a weekend to brainstorm some project ideas. You…

The Hypothesis of $1,400 Per Month (and why It’s Probably Not Really a Thing)

by Chris McGinty As a society, we tend to have weird belief systems when it comes to numbers and other…

Where I Stand on the Election Results and the Concept of “Not My President”

I probably should have been writing more during the last couple of months about the mess that the 2020 US…

Review: Hunter and the Laptop (I Wrote This in October 2020)

Hey, everybody it’s me your Academic of Rock. Three chords and one tooth, my friends. Today I want to talk…

On Taking Writing Advice

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com When it comes to subjects that interest me, I spend a lot of time studying….


by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I wrote about how dumb it is being sick. I haven’t changed my mind since…

A Bunch of Other Memories Involving Lakes

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I started writing about my lake memories. Many of the remaining memories still took place…

What the Fuck is Wrong with WTF All of a Sudden?

Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com For as long as I’ve been an adult, I’ve been arguing against this really odd method…

Otherwise Not Dumb Chris Doesn’t Understand Climate Change

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com Seen Here Wearing a Smart Making Device Just a quick drop today to say that…

Role Playing Game (RPG) Week: 6 of 6

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) Here we are closing out the RPG theme week. Nathan has produced three…

Role Playing Game (RPG) Week: 4 of 6

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) As I explained in my first part on Tuesday, I was trying to…

Role Playing Game (RPG) Week: 2 of 6

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) This theme week (Role-Playing Games) came about from a few discussions with my…

Chris’s Poem: Photo Affects

Photo Affects I set the shot for another takeAnd I think I thought to shutter to thinkSomething happy and something…