Category: Blog

Grinning Evilly He Started to Type

by Chris McGinty Let’s see, Nathan started this blog on the 27th and it’s now the 31st, so it’s been…

Disney promotes Tron Legacy…

This is the most AWESOME promotion ever! Their promotion for the movie was to open a temporary ‘Flynn’s Arcade’!!!!! Thats…

ChrisMcG-I-NTY-5’s First Blog.

by Chris McGinty Alright, checking in here. It’s me, Chris. Nathan wanted to do this blog with Miguel and me….

The turd that is ‘The Happening’

Saw the movie The Happening or should I say ‘The Crappening’ the other day. Wow. I like Zoe Daschel. She’s…

Hollywood is so full of a-holes

I was watching the special features of Watchmen and there are a few featurettes about the comic book and when…

Rock N Roll Church

The wife and I are Church Shopping and we visited a church that was more like a rock concert than…