Tag: story

Flash Fiction: Rock Beats Scissors

John had made it. He fought Korlack’s minions, escaped the prison at Hylark, and rescued his family from certain death….

Short Story: The Stolen Bike

(approx. 12 minutes to read) by Chris McGinty A person could only be pushed so far, and the punch to…

Short Story: The New Year’s Day Intruder

by Chris McGinty He woke up alarmed. Not to the alarm. That wouldn’t go off for another five hours. If…

Short Story: The Over the Shoulder Shot

(Read Time: Fewer than 10 Minutes) by Chris McGinty    This was some bullshit right out of a movie. Timothy…

Gotcha – a Short Story

by Chris McGinty    Diane was upstairs in Kyle’s room folding his clothes, noticing once again how many of the…

La La La Lost Mystery Box

by Chris McGinty I’ll start by saying there will be absolutely no spoilers for the show “Lost” in this blog…

Redirect “The Running Dead” – A Cyberpunk Short Story

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com I wonder for a moment about the logistics, but I make my way forward. I…

Yeah, Maybe I Don’t Get Twitter Yet

by Chris McGinty of AccordingToWhim.com Before the change to Twitter’s layout, I looked at the panel on the left of…

The Case of the Misdiagnosed Vehicle (Part Two)

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) Yesterday, in Part One, I discussed the back story of my car to…

The Case of the Misdiagnosed Vehicle (Part One)

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) I have a mystery for you today. As a child I was a…

Flash Ahhhh! – The first 26 episodes… Cliff Notes version

Welcome! This blog is a (very) quick condensed version of the first 26 episodes of According To Whim’s 2011 Weekly…

Characters Ahhhh! The Characters of the first 26 episodes of our serial

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) Welcome to this 2-part blog posting about our weekly serial: Flash Ahhhh! This 1st blog post…

Writing a movie script

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) Back in 2007 I got back into contact with an childhood friend who is living…

Thoughts on “The Last Action Hero” (Part One)

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) I recently watch “The Last Action Hero.” I’ve been told on numerous occasions…

Script writing

by Nathan Stout Before you can really get going on a successful TV project (or any acting project for that…

Oh my blog… what’s this?!

by Chris McGinty and by Nathan Stout Today we are doing a joint blog. I know you are probably rolling…

Summer Project 199Hate

by Chris McGinty Provided you read that as “nineteen ninety hate” and not “one ninety nine hate” the title sort…


by Nathan Stout So Chris pulls up to the house last evening (about 6ish) and gets out of the car….