Category: Blog

The Importance of Lyrics in Music

by Miguel Cruz I was listening to a segment on an NPR program that discussed the disappearance of the instrumental…

Shooting the Wedding

by Nathan Stout This is an account of the job Miguel and I took to film the wedding of a…

Shooting Episode 1 (Season 3)

by Nathan Stout Chris is like ‘ok, we need to shoot three minutes of footage each Thursday if we are…

Chris McGinty’s Math-a-Plenty: Nathan is Just Mean

by Chris McGinty INT – METH LAB – DAY: Chris is looking at the camera sporting a lab coat. He…

Episode 1 editing (Season 3)

by Nathan Stout Am I the only one around here that seems to be posting topics about ‘making of’ and…

The Birthers ARE Nuts

by Miguel Cruz Me being Colmes to Nathan’s Hannity, I needed to chime in, in response to Nathan’s defense of…

One Hundred and Counting

by Chris McGinty There will be people who totally get what I’m doing, and what I’m ripping off and/or paying…

Are ‘birthers’ so crazy or do they just scare you?

by Nathan Stout A wonderful new term has entered our lexicon: ‘birther‘. Not the traditional usage of the word but…

I Am Robot, Hear Me Whirr

by Chris McGinty It’s funny to me how soon Nathan seems to have forgotten my post last year in which…

I am not a robot!

by Nathan Stout Why is it every time I talk about ANYTHING political Miguel and Chris’ first comment about what…

Lesser Talk about a Laptop

by Chris McGinty I admit that I’m just trying to get a quick post done today. I started a post…

Acting is for fools

by Nathan Stout Here is a little poem I wrote just for you: Acting is for fools. The actor often…

Halfway Point and a Prompt Exercise

by Chris McGinty The halfway point for the ten-weeks is coming up. Monday starts week six. I know we’ve completely…

A Rebuttal: Why I Shouldn’t Be Trying to Get on Your Wife’s Buttal

By Chris McGinty On March 25, 2010, Miguel wrote a post to this blog. It was dealing with a news…

List Five Things You Want

By Chris McGinty Before I begin, this is one of the things that I wrote using a writing prompt. Go…

Tips for Door to Door Fliers

By Chris McGinty Back around late 2000, early 2001 I was working for Papa John’s. They usually had a “what…

Script writing

by Nathan Stout Before you can really get going on a successful TV project (or any acting project for that…

Herbie the Love Doodad Jr.

By Chris McGinty That’s right folks. Nathan was talking about Herbie Jr. yesterday… and we named the dog Indiana. I…

Herbie the Love Doodad

by Nathan Stout Chris, did you see that Rich Dad convention is coming to the DFW area soon? Speaking of…

Sound is important

by Nathan Stout Steven Spielberg said that sound was 50% of the movie going experience (or at least I heard…