Author: nate5582208
Kmart 6/7 – Retail thy name is excitement!
by Nathan Stout Just as a fun memory note, long before I worked at Kmart I remember the old Electronics…
Kmart 5/7 – Adventures in Retail
by Nathan Stout Yeah, you know…Retail can be a dangerous place. Let me relay some tales of things I experienced…
Kmart 4/7 – Employees and Food
by Nathan Stout You know the drill by now…Welcome back to the 90’s! Today, I will give you a little…
Kmart 3/7 – The Devil Doll
by Nathan Stout Before we begin our adventure, there is one fact about Kmart that I always liked (as a…
Kmart 2/7 – Padawan meets Master
by Nathan Stout This man brought me through the Jedi trials to become the Master: In order to find out…
Kmart 1/7 – Welcome to Kmart Week
by Nathan Stout Nasty restrooms, nasty customers, cheezy flashing blue lights, devil dolls, and soggy bowling balls await you in…
What if McDonalds told you they couldn’t make food.
by Nathan Stout When I decided to send my hard drive off to have it’s data recovered I would choose…
More Tidbits
by Nathan Stout I laughed when I saw Chris use the word ‘tidbits’. I can’t help but think of cats…
Renegade Anime Part 5/5
by Nathan Stout Let me setup this next paragraph so I don’t get my ass kicked by Chris. I actually…
Renegade Anime Part 4/5
by Nathan Stout Paul’s shopping center (of which our business Renegade Anime was at the end of) comprised a motley…
Renegade Anime Part 3/5
by Nathan Stout As with most projects, you start out on fire and get a lot done. Getting the dilapidated…
Renegade Anime Part 2/5
by Nathan Stout Chris and I were doing pretty well with our garage sale finds on EBay, so we decided…
Renegade Anime Part 1/5
by Nathan Stout Renegade Anime was the 2nd attempt at a business I have ever made. The first business I…
Nathan and Case of the Not-So-Hard Drive
by Nathan Stout [9-15-2010: I have inserted the links to all the related blogs at the bottom of this blog…
Vending Machine Business Memories
by Nathan Stout I want my own business! I want it! I want it! I want it! With that in…
Wrapping up Episode 1 Season 3
by Nathan Stout During our Thursday weekly meeting, Chris and I wrapped up shooting Episode 1 of Season 3. The…
The lost art of the sound cue
by Nathan Stout and Miguel Cruz Just a quick warning that this article will get a little ‘racy’ so those…
Review: Phantom of the Opera
by Nathan Stout Before you begin reading this, you have to go here and listen to this music as a…
Cameras cameras everywhere
by Nathan Stout Cameras cameras everywhere in your nose and in your hair. In the sky and in the air…
What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?
by Nathan Stout Arizona is taking steps. They are being lambasted by most but what they are doing is fine…