Tag: funny

Flash Fiction: The Adjustment

by Chris McGinty Glorpedd hated having to leave the domicile on a Glorpday night. Yes, his parental ancestors named him…

Short Story: The New Year’s Day Intruder

by Chris McGinty He woke up alarmed. Not to the alarm. That wouldn’t go off for another five hours. If…

You’re Only Prolific Because…

by Chris McGinty I’ve been messing around with AI for a few weeks now and listening to a bunch of…

Chris’s First Post of 2023

by Chris McGinty It has been suggested that a writer should always be honest. This isn’t always easy in fiction,…

Audio Show: 3-18-99

A “What If” Question About Never Getting Fat

by Chris McGinty Since replacing my phone awhile back, I’d neglected to install the “What If…” app, which is not…

A Gif from According To Whim Season 2: Episode 2

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com)   This pretty much sums up our relationship…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Fifty-Two – Yep, Chris Always Gets the Last Word

by the According To Whim .com crew (This Episode by Chris McGinty) [INT – CHRIS’S HOUSE – DAY] (Chris and…

2011 Junk on the web I found interesting

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com) This is a list of stuff I have found over the last year either through others…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Fifty-One – Wrap It Up, I’ll Take It

by the According To Whim .com crew (This Episode by Nathan Stout) [EXT – STUBBY’S FLOODED HIDEOUT / SIX FLAGS…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Fifty – Gently Down the Stream

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] (The millions…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Nine – Learn To S-Whim

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] LARRY: That’s…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Eight – Search and Destroy

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] (Larry and…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Seven – A Little Gratuitous Everything

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] LARRY: Chris…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Six – The Gang’s All Here

(Part Two by Chris McGinty) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] CHRIS: The professor can’t get away with this, guys….

Flash Ahhhh! – Deleted Scenes and Outtakes from the Convention

by Chris McGinty (According To Whim .com) Outtake: Ants in Nathan’s Pants (We see the scene where Chris has torn…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Five – Checking in on B-Sides… Er, B-Plots

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] (Chris, Nathan,…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Four – Putting the Garrett Before the Mule

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – NATHAN’S TRUCK – DAY] NATHAN: Slow…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-Three – White White White White Number Onnnnneeeee

by the According To Whim .com crew (This episode by Nathan Stout) [STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] (The professor, Paul, Angelina,…

Flash Ahhhh!: Episode Forty-One – Yesterday and To-Marrow

by the According To Whim .com crew (Part One by Nathan Stout) [INT – STUBBY’S HIDEOUT – DAY] (Chris is…